Undergraduate Students
RETINA Vision and Learning Group is looking for motivated, responsible and hard-working undergraduate students to work on European Commission and TUBITAK funded research projects in Summer 2007. We have several paid positions for participation in research and development of tools and techniques that will be used for processing, classification and content-based retrieval in large image and multimedia databases.
- Multimedia classification and retrievalWe are participating in the TREC Video Retrieval Evaluation Contest organized by the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology. Requirements include semantic classification and retrieval in very large video databases. (For example, one video of a 30 minute news broadcast is about 400 MB. Imagine searching in a database of 300 such videos.) Current techniques either require manual labeling of database content or perform searches using only low-level information such as color. New techniques and efficient tools are required to perform semantic classification and interactive searching in large archives.
- Image classification and retrievalWe are interested in performing content-based classification and retrieval in large archives of satellite and medical images. (For example, nearly 3 Terabytes of data are being sent to Earth by NASA's satellites every day.) Current systems allow queries only on metadata such as geographical coordinates, time of acquisition, sensor type, etc. (Have you tried Google Earth?) New techniques and efficient tools are required to perform automatic semantic classification and retrieval based on image content (such as finding satellite scenes with similar land development, analyzing effects of a natural disaster, finding patients with similar cell structure for cancer studies).
- Motivation to take responsibility in RETINA's participation in two international contests.
- Commitment to work full-time for at least two months during summer.
- Strong C++ programming skills.
- Good understanding of object-oriented software engineering concepts.
- Familiarity with Linux and knowledge of (or motivation to learn) software development tools such as makefiles, GNU tools, version control, etc. is a plus.
- Experience high-quality software engineering cycle (design, development, testing).
- Possibility to write a research paper.
- Possibility to extend the work to a senior design project or a thesis project.
- Good reference for future grad school / job applications.
- Salary + dormitory housing.
- Young and dynamic group of people including 2 faculty members, 11 graduate students, and 10 undergraduate students.
- Several internationally and nationally funded research projects (also see our publications for more information).
- State-of-the-art equipment such as 9 Xeon or P4 based PCs (3 GHz, 2-3 GB RAM) and above 3 Terabytes of disk space.
Send an email to
- Copy of your transcript,
- Resume emphasizing course projects (systems developed, environments used, tools used, etc.) and other relevant software development experience.
Note: This work cannot be used to satisfy summer training courses CS 299/399 due to departmental rules. Please apply if you are willing to work with us beyond your internship in summer.
Graduate Students
We have several research assistantship positions for motivated, responsible and hard-working graduate students to work on European Commission and TUBITAK funded projects.
Please follow the
application procedures of Bilkent and also send an email to
containing a copy of your transcript and resume.